I’m writing as I said I would to inform you of our schedule for reopening. As you know we currently have Daily Mass on Thursday and Friday at 8 am. Asof June 9th we’ll be adding Daily Mass on Wednesday morning. On Tuesday June 15th we'll add the next Daily Mass and on Monday the 21st we complete our Monday-Friday Daily Mass schedule. At this time, we have no plans to add a Saturday 8am Mass.
On the weekend of June 19th and 20th we will be going to a new weekend schedule with some changes from our former pre-pandemicschedule. Beginning on Saturday, June 19th we will have Confessions from 3-3:45pm with Mass at 4pm at Saint Patrick. On Sunday the Mass times for Saint Patrick will be 7:30am and 11am. There will be no 5:30pm Mass at Saint Patrick going forward. Although this brings change to Saint Patrick we are confident that our community will benefit from this schedule.
At Saint Linus, there will be no Confession time or 4pm Mass on Saturdays. We realize that this is a big change but, in planning for the future and the distinct possibility of only having one priest being a reality, we felt that this would be a reasonable time to begin this. To the people of Saint Linus, please know we struggled with this decision and while in a perfect world we would go back to our previous schedule, we believe that this last year has hammered home the fact that this is not a perfect world. The 9am Mass remains the same and we are adding a 5pm Mass to Saint Linus on Sundays. It is our hope that this Mass will grow and attract people with the later time on Sunday to bring even more activity to Saint Linus, especially during the summer.
As for Eucharistic Adoration, it is our hope we can have this wonderful devotion back up and running again by June 21st. I’ll have more information about that soon and will place that news in the bulletin, on the new website (natickcatholic.org) and on Facebook as well.
Thanks once again to all of you for your patience and cooperation during this past year plus of pandemic and shutdowns. All of you were very instrumental in our ability to have the Masses we did have, and I am most grateful to you all. After such a long hiatus it is a blessing to have this new beginning and we are excited to share it with you!