On Tuesday evening, 12 September, our NCC conference of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society chose its new President. For the past six years - (including the unprecedented stresses of the COVID pandemic, lockdown, and recovery) - our Natick group of committed, generous volunteers has been capably, faithfully led by President Paul Regan. Now that his second term has ended, the Conference, and the whole NCC, both gratefully acknowledge the fine efforts that Paul has consistently provided in leading our charitable work through these very challenging times. The Natick Conference has elected its new President, Sherrie Brogan , and pledged to support her in the on-going charitable mission of caring for Natick neighbors in need. For well over 75 years, this has been our goal and mission. If you have interest in learning more about the good work done by this extraordinary group, you are welcome to reach out to ( 508 ) 509 - 1739 for more information.