As Catholics, we respect all life and are called to build a culture that cherishes and protects every human life from the moment of conception until the moment of natural death. We strive to offer informative, educational and service-oriented experiences to our parishioners on various pro-life topics.
Please plan to join us for our NCC Pro-Life Speaker Series
with special guest speaker Deacon Bill Dwyer
on Sunday, March 16!!
The Society of St. Vincent DePaul is a worldwide ministry of the Catholic Church which was established in Paris, France in 1833. The conference serving the needy in the town of Natick was established in 1945, providing aid for rent, food, utility payments, clothing and help with other life necessities. Since its origins at St Patrick, the Society has been helping those in need throughout the entire town, regardless of the individual’s religious affiliation. We do not proselytize but do impart the message that our help and concern is motivated by a belief that we are fulfilling the command of Christ as He taught us to feed the hungry, cloth the naked and shelter the homeless.
A confidential call to our dedicated SVdP number (508- 509-1736) will be answered by one of our members who will schedule an appointment to evaluate your need, share that need with other members, and then make a group decision as to the level of help that we feel we can extend.
The SVdP Society welcomes new members from Natick Catholic Community. Our group consists of a dozen dedicated men and women who seek spiritual growth by helping the forgotten, the suffering or deprived. We meet on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 pm where we participate in a brief time of prayer and meditation followed by a business meeting, plus a discussion of pending requests for assistance. If you are interested in joining our group, please call us at 508-509-1736 and leave a message.
The work of the Society is made possible by the generosity of the parishioners. Your support, either by leaving money in the collection baskets at the doors of the churches or by using the blue envelopes found in the church pews, is our primary source of funding. Occasional larger bequests are also welcomed. All our funds are, with rare exception, directed to the needy in the Natick community. In the FY 2022-23 the SVdP has helped the needy of this community with a monetary value of $79,122. That amount helped facilitate 73 home visits and help the lives of over 135 individuals. These efforts contributed in helping our neighbors live happier and more secure. This level of care cannot continue without your support.
***For online giving go to click here for a list of additional social services in MetroWest.
Please click here to go to the Boston Council of Saint Vincent dePaul.
It is the honor and privilege of members of these ministries to bring the Eucharist to those parishioners who for reasons of infirmity, accident or for age related issues are unable to attend Mass. Hospital Ministry members visit Catholic patients at the Metrowest Medical Center in Natick in order to assure them of the support of the Church and refer them to the chaplaincy office about concerns and particular spiritual needs.
For more information please contact Judy Donovan at [email protected].
After a homebound person contacts the Rectory, an assessment is made and a schedule is set up which accommodates both the Extraordinary Minister and the parishioner. It is important that anyone who finds themselves incapacitated for any reason still be included in the Parish and in all the prayers of the faithful.
For more information, please contact Dianne Sibley at [email protected].
Please join our "Keeping in Touch" Group Service Project. It's a wonderful way to catch up with old friends and make new friends too! We generally gather on the second Tuesday of the month after the 8:00 a.m. daily Mass. We write notes to the residents in our Natick nursing homes to keep in touch with them every few months. Suggested messages are provided for you or you may create your own. If you would like to participate in this project, please email Sheila Flynn at [email protected] or Peggy Day at [email protected].
A special "Giving Tree" is part of the St. Linus Christmas tradition. Through this program parishioners give specifically requested gift items to needy persons in the metro west area. If you would like to volunteer to help with our Giving Tree Program, please contact us at [email protected].
St. Patrick Parish is proud to sponsor the Jesse Tree each year to provide a Happy Christmas to so many in our community. If you would like to volunteer to help with our Jesse Tree Program, please contact us on our St. Vincent de Paul line at 508 509-1736.
St. Linus collects food donations for the support of A Place to Turn, a local emergency food pantry that serves not only Natick but surrounding areas as well. Non-perishable food items can be dropped off at St. Linus at any Mass. Monetary donations may be sent directly to A Place to Turn, 99 Hartford St., Natick, MA 01760. For more information please contact us at [email protected]