Contact: Mr. William Sawyer | [email protected] | (408) 663 - 2104
Rehearsal: (Thurs. 7:00pm - 8:30pm)
The choir draws on the vast treasury of sacred choral music, singing compositions by composers of various periods and styles, as well as music that expresses the faith of the various cultures that enrich our Church and community. In fact, it is our goal, that through consistent participation in the choir, members will be able to cultivate musical skills and develop an understanding of the liturgy. The choir season starts in September and ends on Corpus Christi Sunday (June). Our Director of Music, Mr. William Sawyer would be happy to have a chat with you about the program. Informal auditions are held throughout the year.
Contact: Mr. William Sawyer | [email protected] | (408) 663 - 2104
Rehearsal: (Thurs. 5pm - 5:30pm)
The choir regularly rehearses on Thursday afternoons from 4:45pm - 5:45pm at St. Linus Church. Children from grades 1 - 4 are welcomed to join after auditioning with the Director of Music. The kids learn the basics of Music Theory and Sight Singing in conjunction with the RSCM Choir Training Module. More info about this church music curriculum can be found here. Please email the Director of Music to inquire about your child joining the choir.
Contact: Mr. William Sawyer | [email protected] | (408) 663 - 2104
Rehearsal: (Thurs. 4:15pm - 4:45pm)
Children from grades 4 - 7 are welcomed to join after auditioning with the Director of Music. This choir sings a variety of music ranging from standard hymnody to contemporary christian music. This choir builds upon concepts that were previously learned while they were in the Children's Choir and will expand upon these topics in greater detail. These topics include: develop their vocal skills, their musical understanding, and their knowledge of the repertoire in conjunction with the RSCM Voice for Life Choir Training Module. More info about this church music curriculum can be found here. To join the ensemble you will need to schedule an informal audition with the Director of Music.
Contact: Mr. William Sawyer | [email protected] | (408) 663 - 2104
This ensemble is open to parishioners from High School and up. The ensemble is comprised of volunteers who love to play music during the high liturgical events during the year (Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Easter Vigil, Easter, and other special occasions). To join this ensemble please email the Director of Music to schedule an informal audition.
Contact: Mr. William Sawyer | [email protected] | (408) 663 - 2104
Rehearsal: Bi-annual Cantor Meeting
Cantors are the Church's leaders of sung prayer. More than just soloists, cantors invite us to actively participate in the mass. The cantor's role is both musical and liturgical. Our cantors meet twice a year to pray and to support each other in community and fellowship. We are always looking for new cantors to help lead us in song at our Masses throughout the year. The majority of these auditioned volunteer cantors sing on a rotational schedule. All cantors are required to be in the Parish Choir. Previous cantor experience is preferable. Our Director of Liturgy & Music, Mr. William Sawyer is always happy to meet with interested singers who would want to become cantors here at the parishes. Informal auditions are held throughout the year.