Heading to college is an exciting step in your life. Not only are you starting out in a new environment, but you also are entering a phase of life that involves a lot of decision making and the potential for many new friendships. Building a faith life as you progress through college actually helps you with all of these things, be it choosing a career opportunity or finding the right housing situation for you. Seeking out your "college parish" or student organization also can lead you to a community of friends and mentors who are there to help you along the way.
Check out our special presentation by clicking the video on this page! Brita Vitello was our special guest speaker for this presentation. Brita is a Natick resident and used to teach at Johnson School. She has been working with the college campus ministry at Northeastern University and Colleges of the Fenway for ten years. She experienced a conversion to the Catholic Faith during her time in college and loves helping today's college students live those years well and prepare for their futures. We hope you enjoy the video & God Bless you on your upcoming journey to college!