Please click here to learn more about our Parish Books of Remembrance which will be present in both St. Linus Church & St. Patrick Church throughout the month of November.
Please save the date to join us for this special evening with Fr. Dan O'Connell as we begin our journey into the beautiful Season of Advent. Click here for more information!
Catholic Charities has launched a dedicated disaster relief donation campaign to aid those impacted by Hurricane Milton. Please click here for more information & to donate. Thank you!
Please join our "Keeping in Touch" Group Service Project. It's a wonderful way to catch up with old friends and make new friends too! We generally gather on the second Tuesday of the month after the 8:00 a.m. daily Mass. Click here for more details!
On Tuesday evening, 12 September, our NCC conference of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society chose its new President. For the past six years - (including the unprecedented stresses of the COVID pandemic, lockdown, and recovery) - our Natick group of committed, generous volunteers has been capably, faithfully led by President Paul Regan.
Please keep all of our participants in prayer as they continue their 8 week life-enriching experience based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.